Hi All,
My requirement is to set simple front level screen validation to the TCode: F-28.
The Following are the steps that I've Done.
1. Front Level Validation on BKPF-BLDAT (Date) and BKPF-BLART (Doc. Type).
2. As both the fields are at two different CHAIN and ENDCHAIN, I've done the validation at common point as Implicit Enhancement.
3. After pressing 'ENTER', as per the code, Message Type 'W' Display Like 'E' and Leave To Screen 'FBZ1(F-28)'. It went to the Screen F-28, but the fields were cleared at PBO.
Kindly let me know where I've went wrong during the process. Let me know how to restrict clear.
4. If I going for the below approach, using LOOP AT SCREEN and MODIFY SCREEN. I'm getting the input field in Enable Mode so that I can give the correct input. But even though I'm giving new and correct input, its taking the previous value only.
Kindly let me the correct approach to validate front level screen.
With Regards,