I am installing SolMan 7.1 with Central System Option (Single Box)
Redhat Linux + DB2
I am Stuck in "Start Instance" Phase
Installation Log -
- 10.03.2016 15:09:35
name, description, dispstatus, textstatus, starttime, elapsedtime, pid
sapcpe, Executable Copy, YELLOW, Started, 2016 03 10 15:09:35, 0:00:00, 25552
INFO 2016-03-10 15:09:45.129 (root/sapinst) [iaxxcmsclient.cpp:85] id=wapsmod.ms.MsAttach CIaMsgClient::CIaMsgClient(cgiu1101a, 3901)
Connect to message server (cgiu1101a/3901) succeeded.
INFO 2016-03-10 15:09:45.130 (root/sapinst) [iaxxcmsclient.cpp:104] id=wapsmod.ms.MsDetach CIaMsgClient::~CIaMsgClient()
Disconnect from message server (cgiu1101a/3901) succeeded.
INFO 2016-03-10 15:09:45.131 (root/sapinst) [iaxxbjsmod.cpp:97] id=nw.progress.startingStateChange
State of instance HSP/DVEBMGS00 changed from ABAP: UNKNOWN to ABAP: STARTING.
INFO 2016-03-10 15:09:45.157 (root/sapinst) [iaxxbjsmod.cpp:97] id=syslib.filesystem.nodeAlreadyExists
Node sapcontrol_HSP_DVEBMGS00.log already exists.
INFO 2016-03-10 15:09:45.169 (root/sapinst) [iaxxbjsmod.cpp:97] id=modlib.jslib.childAppSeeLog
Output of /usr/sap/HSP/ASCS01/exe/sapcontrol -prot NI_HTTP -nr 00 -function GetProcessList is written to the logfile sapcontrol_HSP_DVEBMGS00.log.
INFO 2016-03-10 15:09:45.191 (root/sapinst) [iaxxbjsmod.cpp:97] id=modlib.jslib.childAppReturn
Execution of the command "/usr/sap/HSP/ASCS01/exe/sapcontrol -prot NI_HTTP -nr 00 -function GetProcessList" finished with return code 0. Output:
- 10.03.2016 15:09:45
name, description, dispstatus, textstatus, starttime, elapsedtime, pid
disp+work, Dispatcher, YELLOW, Running but Dialog Queue standstill, 2016 03 10 15:09:35, 0:00:10, 25584
igswd_mt, IGS Watchdog, GREEN, Running, 2016 03 10 15:09:35, 0:00:10, 25585
INFO 2016-03-10 15:09:55.194 (root/sapinst) [iaxxcmsclient.cpp:85] id=wapsmod.ms.MsAttach CIaMsgClient::CIaMsgClient(cgiu1101a, 3901)
Connect to message server (cgiu1101a/3901) succeeded.
INFO 2016-03-10 15:09:55.194 (root/sapinst) [iaxxcmsclient.cpp:104] id=wapsmod.ms.MsDetach CIaMsgClient::~CIaMsgClient()
Disconnect from message server (cgiu1101a/3901) succeeded.
INFO 2016-03-10 15:09:55.227 (root/sapinst) [iaxxbjsmod.cpp:97] id=syslib.filesystem.nodeAlreadyExists
Node sapcontrol_HSP_DVEBMGS00.log already exists.
INFO 2016-03-10 15:09:55.240 (root/sapinst) [iaxxbjsmod.cpp:97] id=modlib.jslib.childAppSeeLog
Output of /usr/sap/HSP/ASCS01/exe/sapcontrol -prot NI_HTTP -nr 00 -function GetProcessList is written to the logfile sapcontrol_HSP_DVEBMGS00.log.
WARNING 2016-03-10 15:09:55.264 (root/sapinst) [iaxxbjsmod.cpp:97] id=modlib.jslib.childAppReturn
Execution of the command "/usr/sap/HSP/ASCS01/exe/sapcontrol -prot NI_HTTP -nr 00 -function GetProcessList" finished with return code 3. Output:
- 10.03.2016 15:09:55
name, description, dispstatus, textstatus, starttime, elapsedtime, pid
disp+work, Dispatcher, GREEN, Running, Message Server connection ok, Dialog Queue time: 0.00 sec, 2016 03 10 15:09:34, 0:00:21, 25584
igswd_mt, IGS Watchdog, GREEN, Running, 2016 03 10 15:09:34, 0:00:21, 25585
INFO 2016-03-10 15:10:05.267 (root/sapinst) [iaxxcmsclient.cpp:85] id=wapsmod.ms.MsAttach CIaMsgClient::CIaMsgClient(cgiu1101a, 3901)
Connect to message server (cgiu1101a/3901) succeeded.
INFO 2016-03-10 15:10:05.267 (root/sapinst) [iaxxcmsclient.cpp:104] id=wapsmod.ms.MsDetach CIaMsgClient::~CIaMsgClient()
Disconnect from message server (cgiu1101a/3901) succeeded.
INFO 2016-03-10 15:10:05.269 (root/sapinst) [iaxxbjsmod.cpp:97] id=nw.progress.startingStateChange
State of instance HSP/DVEBMGS00 changed from ABAP: STARTING to ABAP: SHUTDOWN.
ERROR 2016-03-10 15:10:05.270 (root/sapinst) [iaxxbjsmod.cpp:97] id=nw.progress.startupFailed errno=CJS-30105
Instance HSP/DVEBMGS00 reached state SHUTDOWN after having state STARTING. Giving up.
ERROR 2016-03-10 15:10:05.380 (root/sapinst) [CSiStepExecute.cpp:1210] id=controller.stepExecuted errno=FCO-00011
The step start with step key |NW_Onehost|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_Onehost_System|ind|ind|ind|ind|onehost|0|NW_CI_Instance|ind|ind|ind|ind|ci|0|NW_CI_Instance_Start|ind|ind|ind|ind|start|0|start was executed with status ERROR ( Last error reported by the step: Instance HSP/DVEBMGS00 reached state SHUTDOWN after having state STARTING. Giving up.).
Work Process Log -
C Thu Mar 10 15:09:39 2016
C Connected to DB server type 'DB2/LINUXX8664'
C Connected to DB server version '10.01.0002'
C Connected to 'HSP' as 'SAPHSP' schema 'SAPHSP' o.k.
C Connected: con_hdl=0 ; appl_hdl=133; appl_id=""
C Current member=""
C Database code page is ok.
C Database collating sequence is ok.
C DB2_WORKLOAD=SAP is set in DB2 registry as required.
C Optimizer profile table does not exist.
C CLI Insert Buffering is disabled on single partition databases.
C DbSl trace SM50: switch request to level 1
B Connection 0 opened (DBSL handle 0)
M ThInit: db_connect o.k.
M ICT: exclude compression: *.zip,*.rar,*.arj,*.z,*.gz,*.tar,*.lzh,*.cab,*.hqx,*.ace,*.jar,*.ear,*.war,*.jpg,*.pdf,*.gzip,*.uue,*.bz2,*.iso,*.sda,*.sar,*.gif,*.png,*.swc,*.swf
M ***LOG Q0I=> NiPGetHostByName: 'cgiu1101a.cgiu1101a.in.xxxxxxx.com' not found: getaddrinfo [niuxi.c 1759]
M *** ERROR => ThSetGwParam : NiHostToAddr cgiu1101a.cgiu1101a.in.xxxxxxx.com failed [thxxhead.c 20597]
M *** ERROR => ThIPCInit: ThProfileRead [thxxhead.c 2181]
M ***LOG R19=> ThInit, ThIPCInit ( TSKH-IPC-000001) [thxxhead.c 1621]
M in_ThErrHandle: 1
M *** ERROR => ThInit: ThIPCInit (step 1, th_errno 17, action 3, level 1) [thxxhead.c 11614]
M Info for wp 12
M pid = 25620
M severity = 0
M status = 0
M stat = WP_NEW
M waiting_for = NO_WAITING
M reqtype = DP_RQ_BTCWP
M act_reqtype = NO_REQTYPE
M req.req_info =
M req.tid = -1
M req.uid = 4294967295
M req.mode = 255
M req.len = 0
M req.rq_id = 65535
M req.rq_source =
M last_tid = 0
M last_uid = 0
M last_mode = 0
M locked semaphores (), locking ()
M act_cs_count = 1
M csTrack = 0
M csTrackRwExcl = 0
M csTrackRwShrd = 0
M mode_cleaned_counter = 0
M control_flag = 0
M int_checked_resource(RFC) = 0
M ext_checked_resource(RFC) = 0
M int_checked_resource(HTTP) = 0
M ext_checked_resource(HTTP) = 0
M report = > <
M action = 0
M tab_name = > <
M attachedVm = no VM
M ThIErrHandle: current request:
M -IN-- sender_id ? tid -1 wp_ca_blk -1 wp_id -1
M -IN-- action - uid -1 appc_ca_blk -1 type -
M -IN-- new_stat NO_CHANGE mode 255 len 0 rq_id -1
M PfStatDisconnect: disconnect statistics
M ThCallHooks: call hook >ThrSaveSPAFields< for event BEFORE_DUMP
M *** ERROR => ThrSaveSPAFields: no valid thr_wpadm [thxxrun1.c 870]
M *** ERROR => ThCallHooks: event handler ThrSaveSPAFields for event BEFORE_DUMP failed [thxxtool3.c 303]
M ThCallHooks: call hook >ThrBtcCallLgCl< for event BEFORE_DUMP
M ThCallHooks: hook >ThrBtcCallLgCl< o.k.
M ThIErrHandle: entering ThSetStatError
M ThIErrHandle: do not call ThrCoreInfo (no_core_info=0, in_dynp_env=0)
M Entering ThReadDetachMode
M call ThrShutDown (1)...
M ***LOG Q02=> wp_halt, WPStop (Workp. 12 25620) [dpuxtool.c 327]
cgiu1101a:hspadm 59>
I have upgraded the Kernel also. But, No use.
Please help
Pradeep Shetty