i am new in WebDynpro ABAP.
I want to change the Output from an ALV which is specified on an selection by the Dropdown.
For Example:
DropdownList containing values like value1, value2...
For value1 the Output for the ALV will be temp1.
For value2 the Output for the ALV will be temp2
Method temp1.
DATA: lo_nd_temp1 TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node,
lo_el_temp1 TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_element,
ls_temp1 TYPE wd_this->element_template,
lt_temp1 TYPE wd_this->elements_template,
...Code for filling lt_example
lo_el_temp1 = lo_nd_temp1->create_element( ).
lo_nd_temp1->bind_table( new_items = lt_temp1_).
Method temp2.
*The same like temp1 with different contant in it_temp1.
Method onaction.
name = 'KEY'
value = lv_value ).
CASE lv_value.
WHEN 'value1'.
*Show Content it_temp1.
WHEN 'value2'.
*Show Content it_temp2.
Do I Need two different ALV like ALV_temp1 and ALV_temp2 or can i modify the displayed Content for one ALV?